Auburn University Bands » TEST » Ensembles » Marching Band » R.A.T. Program » F.A.Q.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the AUMB

  • How do I sign up?
    • Signing up for marching band takes two steps. First, go to our Member Database, create your profile, and submit an intent form. Submitting the intent form allows us to properly plan for the upcoming season and send you information as soon as possible.
    • Second, when registering for classes during Camp War Eagle, you must sign up for the “MARCHING BAND” course: MUSE 1100 for first year members. Check out the Join the AUMB page for detailed information on the whole process.
  • How much time does being in the marching band take? / What time is the marching band class?
    • The “MARCHING BAND” course is worth one credit hour. Class time is Tuesday-Friday (3:30-4:50 p.m.). Also, there are required Saturday morning rehearsals before each home football game. Start time varies with the kickoff time. There is also a sectional scheduled once per week, day and time to be determined by the section leader.
  • What is the cost for being in the marching band?
    • AUMB members are required to pay for their own marching shoes, gloves, flip folders and extra flip folder sheets.  Each season, most sections design a t-shirt, and the price varies depending on the shirt.  All other costs are covered by the University including money for meals on away trips, transportation, and uniforms.

      Prices for required items:
      Marching shoes – $35
      Gloves – $3
      Flip folders – $5
      Extra flip folder sheets (as needed) – 2 for $1

  • Will I march with a school-owned instrument, or do I need to provide my own?
    • Saxophones and clarinets must bring their own instruments for marching band. All other AUMB members must march with school-owned instruments, which are distributed at Preseason Camp registration.
  • Will I be guaranteed a spot marching on the field? / What about alternates?
    • Each member of the Auburn University Marching Band will march halftime and pregame at least once during the season, provided they remain in good standing with the band. Decisions on who marches from week-to-week are based on absences, memorization, and overall ability to march and play. Members not marching at a particular game will “shadow” another marcher as an alternate during rehearsal and will march that person’s spot in case he or she cannot march that Saturday. All members play in the stands.
  • What trips am I required to attend?
    • The full band travels to major away games, while a smaller pep band, comprised of mostly veteran band members, travels to all other away games. If (When!) Auburn wins the SEC West, the AUMB will accompany them to the SEC Championship game. There is usually also a multi-day bowl game trip that will take place sometime during late December or early January. Other trips and performances may also be scheduled.

Questions about Preseason Camp

  • When is Preseason Camp?
    • Percussionists report on Friday, August 3rd for the final round of auditions. Woodwind and Brass new members and Tiger Eyes begin Preseason Camp on Sunday, August 5th. All other members begin camp on Tuesday, August 7th. Preseason Camp lasts until the day before classes, Wednesday, August 15th. Please check the mainPreseason Camp page for exact times.
  • What will we get accomplished during Preseason Camp?
    • Potential members will learn playing and marching fundamentals essential to the AUMB pregame and halftime performance styles. Before the camp ends, the band will learn the entire first halftime show, as well as the pregame show. Also, traditional school songs and new arrangements will be learned for performance in the stands at football games and other events.
  • How do I condition myself in preparation for Preseason Camp?
    • You will spend the majority of each day during preseason camp outside in the summer heat participating in a physical activity. It is very important that all members, new and returning, acclimate their bodies to being active outdoors before reporting to Preseason Camp. Running or jogging outside is a great way to prepare yourself for long days of Preseason Camp. Also, get yourself into playing condition by practicing your instrument throughout the summer.
  • Can I take part in sorority recruitment and Preseason Camp?
  • I will be living in a Residence Hall. What are my living arrangements for the week of Preseason Camp?
    • The Preseason Camp page has details on early check-in for on-campus housing. Early move-in occurs on Friday, August 3rd. All students living on campus and participating in the AUMB Preseason Camp must move in on this day; the early move-in fee is covered by the band. You will have one day between move-in and the official report for Preseason Camp, so the R.A.T. leaders will plan a special event for you on Saturday, August 4th. Official details will be emailed to all potential new members.
  • I will be living in an apartment or some other residence. What are my living arrangements for the week of Preseason Camp?
    • Most apartment complexes do not have set move-in dates before Preseason Camp. You will need to talk to your landlord and ask them if there is any way you can move in before the camp begins. The band does not cover fees associated with early move-in to apartments. If you cannot arrange this, get in contact with your section leader, and he or she will arrange a place for you to stay until you can move into your apartment.


Last Updated: 09/27/2015